Minutes from the May 13, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center. Due to the COVID-19 Emergency declared by MN Governor Walz, board members and members of the public were allowed to join via Zoom conferencing. All votes were taken via roll call.
The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.
Members present: In-person: John Sonstegard, Frank Sindelir. Remote: Roger Krause
Members absent: Nancy Dunnell, Monica Dohmen
Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; Remote: Michael Steinhauer, NRCS Resource Conservationist
A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the April 8th, 2021 minutes, seconded by Krause.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
The April 2021 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.
A motion was made by Krause to approve the bills as listed on the agenda, seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Old Business
Personnel policy waivers – continue or suspend – no action was taken.
Special Reports
NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer reported on approved EQIP contracts, CSP applications and the current staffing and masking requirements due to the COVID pandemic.
New Business
Dahlen shoreline protection cost share application
No action was taken. This item was tabled until the June meeting.
Olson Abandoned well sealing cost share application
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the Olson abandoned well sealing cost share contract in the amount of $300 or 75% of the total project cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Ellis Abandoned well sealing cost share application
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the Ellis abandoned well sealing cost share contract in the amount of $300 or 75% of the total project cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Clean Water Fund Grant Work Order for the shoreline cleanup
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the Conservation Corps Clean Water Fund Grant Work Order for the shoreline cleanup with Hirst as the authorized representative.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Dodge air conditioning
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the repair of the Dodge air conditioning at Wherley Motors.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Tree Program pending invoices
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize final payment of DNR State Forest Nursery invoice upon receiving the invoice and verifying the accuracy.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Replenish Petty Cash Account
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize a check for cash in the amount of $48.35 to replenish the petty cash account.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.
Training and Travel Requests – None
Staff Reports – the board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.
Committee Reports
International Rainy – Lake of the Woods Watershed Board update – see attachment to the board packet.
General Information and Discussion
- Website for SWCD – the board reviewed possible website hosting options for the new SWCD website and provided recommendations for seeking and evaluating additional quotes.
- Community sewer system needs and options study – the concept for strategic planning for community sewer system was discussed. Stromlund has been reaching out to possible partners and the staff is looking into building support for, and funding the development of, a strategic plan.
- Rainy-Rapid – One Watershed One Plan Discussion – the staff notified the board that the application for planning grants are now being accepted. Through discussions with partnering entities, it has been decided that LW SWCD will pursue a grant on behalf of the group.
- Livestock Producer Workshop July 30th – see attachment to the board packet.
- 2021 Tree Program Report – see attachment to the board packet.
The next regular board meeting has been set for June 10, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.
Adjourn: Krause Seconded: Sindelir Meeting adjournment time: 7:03 p.m.