November 21st, 2024

Minutes from the November 21st, 2024 Special Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center. 
The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 4:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir
Members absent: Nancy Dunnell
Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask 

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

New Business.

2025 Wage Scale

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir to approve the 2025 wage scale (LW County 2024) to replace the current SWCD wage scale. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelirl Opposed: None Motion carried.

*The newly adopted 2025 Wage Scale is added as an attachment to the November 21st, 2024 agenda.  

2025 Wages
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sindelir to approve the 2025 wages effective January 1st, 2025 as follows:

  • Resource Conservationist, Senior: Grade 16, Step B/2
  • Office Assistant, Senior: Grade 9, Step B/2 
  • Water Resources Technician, Specialist: Grade 12, Step A/1 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Update Position Descriptions

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard to approve updating the position descriptions for all current staff to the current Grade and Level.  
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Review Position Description for new hire

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir to approve the Office Assistant Position Description at a Grade 8-9 Specialist level, the Position Announcement, Application, and a December 16th application deadline.  
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Sonstegard

Meeting adjournment time: 5:00 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

November 14th, 2024

Minutes from the November 14th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
Members absent: none  

Others present: Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the October 10th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Krause.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the October 30th, 2024 special meeting minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The October 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sonstegard to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business – none

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – see board packet for a copy of Steinhauer’s report. 

New Business

LOWW WBIF Cooperative Agreements   

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Krause, to approve the Shoreline Stabilization Cost Share, the Ad Education and the Keep it Clean Cooperative Agreements with the Lake of the Woods Joint Powers Board.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Mawyer R-R forest management plan cost share payment
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the final payment for Mawyer’s 2023-02 FMP-RR forest management plan cost share contract in the amount of $2,380.00.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Kunze R-R forest stewardship plan cost share payment   

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the final payment for Kunze’s 2024-04 FMP-RR forest management plan cost share contract in the amount of $1,021.50.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Blom R-R forest stewardship plan cost share payment    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the final payment for Blom’s 2024-03 FMP-RR forest management plan cost share contract in the amount of $553.50.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Hauger LW forest stewardship plan cost share payment    
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the final payment for Hauger’s 2024-03 FMP-LW forest management plan cost share contract in the amount of $2,380.00.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Levasseur R-R forest stewardship plan cost share payment 
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the final payment for Levasseur’s 2023-01 FMP-RR forest management plan cost share contract in the amount of $2,360.50.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Beckel R-R forest management plan cost share application
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Beckel’s Rainy-Rapid forest management plan cost share application for up to a maximum of 160 acres at $300 base payment plus $6.50 per planned acre.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rennemo R-R forest management plan cost share application

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Krause, to authorize Rennemo’s Rainy-Rapid forest management plan cost share application for up to a maximum of 320 acres at $300 base payment plus $6.50 per planned acre.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

City of Baudette Stormceptor payment request  

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to approve the payment request for the City of Baudette’s stormwater projects in the amount not to exceed $88,740.00 contingent upon receiving all required supporting documents for the invoice.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AgBMP loan application    

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to approve the AgBMP loan application for a septic application in the amount of $18,000 for Schwenzfeier.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Cost share ranking and project selection   

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to approve the following cost share application recommendations:

Approved applications:

  • Brent and Bruce Reichert, shoreline protection, $45,000 or 75% of the total cost, whichever is less. Funding from the LW WBIF shoreline cost share program. 
  • Michael Klein, shoreline protection, $8,438 or 75% of the total cost, whichever is less. Funding from the LW WBIF shoreline cost share program. 
  • Karl Perrson, shoreline protection, $15,000 or 75% of the total cost, whichever is less. Funding from the LW WBIF shoreline cost share program. 

Denied applications:

  • Michael Kraemer

Deferred applications:

  • Mathew Vickaryous, Anthony Pirkl, Larry Howard

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Computer purchase request    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to approve the purchase of two USDA compatible computers and one non-compatible laptop computer for a total not to exceed $7,300.00.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Google Drive subscription 

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to approve the 1-year Google Drive subscription to a Google Business account with the intent to renew annually.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AIS Inspector Year End Appreciation Award 

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to approve a contribution of $150 per individual for four 2024 Lake of the Woods AIS inspectors with funding to come from the AIS fund.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean newsletter

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to approve expenses in the amount of $830 for email collection and an online newsletter to promote the Keep it Clean Program. Funding will come from the MPCA Keep it Clean Supplemental Grant.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Letter of resignation  
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to accept Becky Buegler’s letter of resignation, effective February 28th, 2025.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Permission to advertise and hire   

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to develop items needed for posting and advertising the part-time office assistant position. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Special meeting schedule – budget and 2025 wages/benefits   

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to set a special meeting on November 21st at 4:00 p.m. to set 2025 wages and budget. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Personnel handbook update 

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the Grant Agreement for the BWSR Performance Review and Assistance Program for funding to support the update of the Personnel handbook.   

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Olson abandoned well sealing application

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to approve Bill Olson’s abandoned well sealing cost share application in the amount of $1,000 or 100% of the total practice cost, whichever is less. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean radio advertising
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize $1,500 towards radio advertisements for the Keep it Clean program. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

VanSickle abandoned well sealing cost share application
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to approve Jay VanSickle’s abandoned well sealing cost share application in the amount of $1,000 or 100% of the total practice cost, whichever is less.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Fjerstand R-R forest management plan cost share payment
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Joey Fjerstad’s 2024-06 FMP-RR Rainy-Rapid Forest Management Plan cost share final payment in the amount of $1,784.00. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Vrtacnik’s recertification workshop expenses in the amount of $260 for his Construction Site Management and Construction Installer certifications. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports 

Lake of the Woods Watershed JPB – new cooperative agreements approved for FY24 funding

Lake of the Woods Control Board – see attachment to the board packet

General Information and Discussion

Cover crop cost share program summary – see attachment to the board packet

Peterson Company LTD letter to the Board of Supervisors – see attachment to the board packet

The next regular board meeting has been set for December 12th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Sonstegard

Meeting adjournment time: 7:30 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

October 30th, 2024

Minutes from the October 30th, 2024 Special Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 3:30 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: None

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst;  Cleveland Cliffs, Inc. Program Manager-Environmental Permitting and Regulatory, Brooke Lund; Cleveland Cliffs, Inc. Program Manager- Community and Government Relations, Sandra Karnowski

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

New Business

SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT – In the Matter of Hibbing Taconite Mine and Stockpile Progression and Williams Creek Project Specific Wetland Mitigation 

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize an amendment to the October 13, 2015 settlement agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District, Lake of the Woods County, Cliff’s Mining Company, and Northern Conservation LLC as presented.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Adjourn: Krause Seconded: Sindelir

Meeting adjournment time: 4:08 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

October 10th, 2024

Minutes from the October 10, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: none

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the September 12th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The September 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

The 3rd Quarter budget vs. actual reports were reviewed.

The Supervisor expense reports were reviewed. 

A motion was made by Sonstegard to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business – none

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist –  see the board packet for a copy of Steinhauer’s report. 

New Business

MASWCD Resolution Voting    

The Supervisors voted on the MASWCD 2024 resolutions. 

Health Insurance Renewal 2025    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to approve the following 2025 health insurance options: maintain the current SWCD health insurance plan with SWCD coverage at 100% for a family plan and 100% for a single plan. The open enrollment period will be set from October 11th until November 22nd.  No supplemental programs will be offered.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Personnel policy update    

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to initiate a personnel policy update and seek BWSR financial assistance to help with costs.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

2025 Buffer Implementation Grant Agreement  

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the 2025 Buffer Implementation Grant Agreement P25-0606 with the Board of Water and Soil Resources.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Lake of the Woods county abandoned well sealing cost share application

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to approve the Lake of the Woods County abandoned well sealing cost share application at 100% funding, with total cost to exceed the $1000 maximum due to community benefit. The District Manager is authorized to set the maximum payment allowed upon receiving the contractor’s cost estimate.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Hoscheid abandoned well sealing cost share application    

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Hoscheid’s abandoned well sealing cost share application in the amount of $1,000 or 100% of the total practice cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Marken R-R Forest Management Plan cost share final payment   

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Krause, to authorize James Marken’s 2024-07 FMP-RR forest management plan cost share final payment in the amount of $2,081.00.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

2023 Audit and Management Representation Letter 

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the 2023 draft audit from Peterson Company Ltd with corrections to page 11 leave amounts as noted in the board packet and to approve the Management Representation letter. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean purchases   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize Keep it Clean promotional expenses as submitted in the board packet for a total of $6,150 with funding to come from the MPCA contract.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean use of McAtee Memorial Fund    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the use of the McAtee Memorial fund as match towards the Lake of the Woods WBIF funding.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AIS purchases 
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the purchase of 1,200 towels to be used for AIS promotions with funding to come from the State AIS grant.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rice cost share project final payment

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize final payment for the Lake of the Woods County (S. Rice) cost share contract in the amount not to exceed $20,035.39 or 100% of the final invoiced amount. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

SWCD signs

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize up to $500 towards the cost of updating the SWCD signs.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

MASWCD Annual Convention
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize staff and supervisors to attend the MASWCD annual convention. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports 

The Personnel Committee met to discuss wage and benefits for 2025. 

General Information and Discussion

International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board’s updates

The next regular board meeting has been set for November 14th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Krause Seconded: Dunnell

Meeting adjournment time: 6:30 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

September 12th, 2024

Minutes from the September 12th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir

Members absent: Nancy Dunnell

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Team Lead, Jody Peek; NRCS Area Forester, Garrett Christianson

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the August 8th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Krause.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

The August 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sonstegard to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business – none

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Jody Peek, Bemidji Team Lead DC presented on the recent CSP deadline, there are over 19,000 new contracted acres in the area and 10,000 are in Lake of the Woods county.  There was discussion on how the CSP program is implemented.  Garrett Christianson, NRCS Area Forester presented on implementing forestry practices in the region.  He discussed several ways that NRCS could assist with forestry initiatives.  

New Business

HEI Agreement for Services – GIS tool redevelopment    

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the Board Chair to enter into an agreement for services with Houston Engineering to redevelop the culvert GIS tool for use in ArcPro.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

2025 Soil health delivery grant agreement   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to enter into the 2025 Soil Health Delivery Grant with the Board of Water and Soil Resources. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Vehicle windshield replacement   
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the replacement of the 2014 Dodge windshield. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Norske Acres Forest Management Plan cost share payment   
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Krause, to authorize final payment for Norske Acres Forest Management Plan cost share contract 2024-02 FMP-RR in the amount of $1,930. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Woodsmen Properties well sealing cost share payment   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize final payment for Woodsmen Properties LLC 2024-04-SP abandoned well sealing cost share contract in the amount of $1,000.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Anderson Forest Management Plan Cost Share Application    

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Timothy Anderson’s Rainy-Rapid Forest Management Plan cost share application in the amount of $300 base payment plus $6.50 per acre, not to exceed 160 acres. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Reinhart cover crop application    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize Jean Reinhart’s cover crop cost share application in the amount of $50 per acre, not to exceed 61 acres. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Estling cover crop application  
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Estling Farm’s cover crop cost share application in the amount of $50 per acre, not to exceed 38 acres. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Canfield cover crop application  

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Beau Canfield’s cover crop cost share application in the amount of $50 per acre, not to exceed 36 acres. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Hancock cover crop application  

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Jake Hancock’s cover crop cost share application in the amount of $50 per acre, not to exceed 32 acres. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Cover Crop Contract Final Payments   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize final payments on all approved cover crop cost share contracts prior to the next regular board meeting contingent upon them meeting all requirements for technical and administrative sign-off.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Peppermint Creek final payment
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize final payment for Peppermint Creek’s 2024-11-CS-RRWBIF cost share contract in the amount of $12,416.25.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Certificates of Deposit   
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the reinvestment of the four certificates of deposit expiring in 2024 for a period of up to two years and to replace the called certificate of deposit with a four year CD. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

AMI Shoreline Protection Proposal_REV1    
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to enter into an agreement with AMI Consulting Engineers for the purpose of providing lakeshore technical and engineering services. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Edwards abandoned well sealing cost share application
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Rodney Edward’s abandoned well sealing cost share application in the amount of $1,000 or 100% of the total project cost, whichever is less.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

FY22 Local Capacity Grant Extension

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the amendment of the FY22 Local Capacity Grant to extend the grant until December 31, 2025. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

Trimble VRS Training, October 15   
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize technical staff to attend the Trimble VRS training in Bemidji.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

BWSR Academy, all staff, October 29-31   
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize all staff to attend the BWSR Academy in Brainerd on October 29th-31st.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

IJC Semi Annual, Hirst, October 21-24 
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Hirst to attend the IJC Semi-Annual meeting in Ottowa, Canada on October 21st-24th.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Soil Health Assessments Field Day, staff, October 3
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize technical staff to attend the soil health assessment field day in Park Rapids on October 3rd. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports  – none

General Information and Discussion

2025 Wage and Benefits discussion   

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the personnel committee to meet and discuss 2025 wages and benefits.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Annual well testing clinic summary
See attachment to the board packet for the annual well testing clinic summary. 

Int’l Rainy-LOW Watershed Board’s Phase 2 Report  

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to table the presentation of the International Rainy Lake of the Woods Phase 2 report. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

The next regular board meeting has been set for October 10th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sonstegard Seconded: Sindelir

Meeting adjournment time: 7:25 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

August 8th, 2024

Minutes from the August 8th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: none

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; Conservation Corps Intern, Amy Lein

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the July 11th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The July 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Krause to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business – none

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist

New Business

Request to reserve trees for the 2025 tree sales   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize staff to reserve tree seedlings for the 2025 tree sale program.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Replenish petty cash    

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to replenish the petty cash fund with $75.18, for a total of $100. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

2024 Resolution for Use of State Aid Funding    

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to approve resolution 08-08-2024 Establishing the Guidelines for the Use of SWCD State Aid Payments.

Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District
2024 Guidelines on the Use of SWCD State Aid Payments
Minn. Stat. § 477A.23, subd. 4(b)

State SWCD Aid payments will be used by the district board and staff to carry out the following duties as outlined in Minn. Stat. § 103C.332, subd. 1:

(1) respond to and provide technical and financial assistance to landowners to maintain and improve the quality, quantity, distribution, and sustainability of natural resources, including surface water, groundwater, soil, and ecological resources;

(2) provide technical assistance in implementing the soil erosion law under sections 103F.401 to 103F.48;

(3) arrange for employees to serve on technical evaluation panels to implement the wetland laws as required under section 103G.2242;

(4) locally administer the reinvest in Minnesota reserve program under section 103F.515 and rules adopted thereunder, using knowledge of local resources to manage each easement to maximize environmental benefits;

(5) participate in administering the Wetland Conservation Act as provided under sections 103G.221 to 103G.2375, either in an advisory capacity or as the designated local government unit administering the program;

(6) participate in the local water management program under chapter 103B, either in an advisory capacity or as the designated local government unit administering the program;

(7) participate, as appropriate, in the comprehensive watershed management planning program under section 103B.801;

(8) participate in disaster response efforts as provided in chapter 12A;

(9) provide technical recommendations to the Department of Natural Resources on general permit applications under section 103G.301;

(10) provide technical assistance and local administration of the agricultural water quality certification program under sections 17.9891 to 17.993;

(11) provide technical assistance for the agricultural land preservation program under chapter 40A, where applicable;

(12) maintain compliance with section 15.99 for deadlines for agency action;

(13) coordinate with appropriate county officials on matters related to electing soil and water conservation district supervisors; and

(14) cooperate to the extent possible with federal, state, and local agencies and with private organizations to avoid duplicating and to enhance implementing public and private conservation initiatives within the jurisdiction of the district.

In carrying out the above duties, the district board and staff will use state aid payments to deliver the following services as outlined in Minn. Stat. § 103C.332, subd. 2:

(1) performing administrative services, including comprehensive and annual work planning, administering grants, leveraging outside funding, establishing fiscal accountability measures, reporting accomplishments, human resources management, and staff and supervisor development;

(2) entering into cooperative agreements with the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and other United States Department of Agriculture agencies to leverage federal technical and financial assistance;

(3) providing technical expertise, including knowledge of local resources, performing technical evaluations and certifications, assessing concerns, and providing oversight in surveying, designing, and constructing conservation practices;

(4) providing information and education outreach, including increasing landowner awareness and knowledge of soil and water conservation program opportunities to protect soil and water resources and publicizing the benefits of soil and water conservation to the general public;

(5) facilitating regulatory processes for impacted landowners and providing technical review and comment on regulatory permits and development plans for regulations relating to soil and water conservation;

(6) administering projects and programs, including but not limited to the nonpoint source pollution abatement program; reinvest in Minnesota reserve conservation easements program; disaster response; local water management and comprehensive watershed management planning programs; and projects related to floodplains, lakes, streams and ditches, wetlands, upland resources, and groundwater resources, to maintain and improve the quality, quantity, distribution, and sustainability of natural resources, including surface water, groundwater, soil, and ecological resources;

(7) monitoring and inventorying to collect data that provide a baseline understanding of resource conditions and changes to the resources over time and analyzing and interpreting the data to support program implementation; and

(8) maintaining a modern technology infrastructure that facilitates planning and projects, including geographic information systems, modeling software, mobile workstations, survey and design equipment and software, and other technology for linking landowners with conservation plans.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rundall 2024-03-SP abandoned well sealing cost share payment   
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Rundall’s 2024-03-SP abandoned well sealing cost share payment in the amount of $1,000 from the well sealing special projects fund.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rennemo cover crop cost share application    

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Rennemo’s cover crop cost share application at a rate of $50 per acre, not to exceed 80 acres.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Olson cover crop cost share application  

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize Olson’s cover crop cost share application at a rate of $50 per acre, not to exceed 71 acres.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Workshop expenses
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize a budget of up to $400 for expenses related to a mushroom identification workshop to be held on August 24th.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

City of Baudette Stormwater Project   

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize the use of SWCD cost share funding in the amount of $20,541.00 for the additional funding needed for installation of the second stormceptor as part of the City of Baudette Stormwater Project.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Funding request from Scout Troop 62  

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize a contribution to Scout Troop 62 in the amount of $110.00 from the AIS program for fees related to the Starry Trek event. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

Area VIII Tour and Meeting – Sept 4th and 5th
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize staff or supervisors to attend the Area VIII meeting and tour in Wadena.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports 

Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers Board – the board met and approved funding requests

General Information and Discussion

2024 Annual Convention Awards – the award program is currently accepting nominations. 

The next regular board meeting has been set for September 12th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Dunnell

Meeting adjournment time: 6:20 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

July 11th, 2024

Minutes from the July 11th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:10 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
Members absent: none

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund,  Conservation Corps Intern, Amy Lein

A motion was made by Dunnel to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the June 13th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The June 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

The 2nd quarter budget vs actual reports were reviewed.

The 2nd quarter supervisor expense reports were reviewed. 

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Local Work Group – Other suggestions or needs 

No further comments were provided. 

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer presented updates on the recent job posting for the Baudette office, and the status of EQIP and CSP contracting.  The next EQIP signup deadline is September 6th. 

New Business

Lake of the Woods WBIF Forest Management Plan Cost Share Agreement
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sonstegard, to enter into the FY24 Lake of the Woods WBIF Forest Management Plan Cost Share Agreement with the Lake of the Woods Joint Powers Board.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid WBIF agreement   
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to enter into the FY24 Rainy-Rapid Watershed Based Implementation funding agreement for Streambank and Shoreland Projects.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid WBIF Forest Management Plan agreement amendment  
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to amend the existing FY Rainy-Rapid Watershed Based Implementation Funding Agreement for forest management plan cost share to increase the allocation from $16,000 to $28,000.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Forest Management Plan Cost Share applications  
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the following Rainy-Rapid WBIF forest management cost share contracts as follows:  

  • Ant Farm Inc. – 264 acres max
  • James Marken – 320 acres max
  • Joseph Fjerstad – 240 acres max
  • Christopher Kvarnlov – 178 acres max

Cost share is not to exceed $300 base payment plus $6.50 per planned acre not to exceed the maximum acreage.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Sonstegard abstained. 
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the Lake of the Woods WBIF forest management cost share contract for Thomas Goldsmith in the amount of $300 base payment plus $6.50 per planned acre, not to exceed 300 total acres.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rundall abandoned well sealing cost share application   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the Rundall abandoned well sealing cost share application in the amount of $1,000 or 100% of the total practice cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Arsenic well testing clinic   
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the staff to organize a well testing clinic for arsenic and to offer a $15 (50%) cost share during the clinic. Funding will come from the county allocation.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Cost share application – cover crops   
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize staff to pre-approve cover crop cost share applications prior to an SWCD board meeting.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Abandoned well sealing application for Woodsmen Properties LLC
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the abandoned well sealing cost share application for Woodsmen Properties, LLC in the amount of $1,000 or 100% of the total practice cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize Hirst’s travel request to the International Rainy-LOW Watershed Meetings in Kenora from Aug 13th-15th.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – none

General Information and Discussion– none

The next regular board meeting has been set for August 8th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Krause

Meeting adjournment time: 6:30 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

June 13th, 2024

Minutes from the June 13th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:45 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: none

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Team Lead, Jody Peek; County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the May 9th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The May 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Old Business

LWCB resource agency input

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to submit a letter of input to the Lake of the Woods Control Board regarding water level management on Lake of the Woods.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Jody Peek, NRCS Team Lead

New Business

Request to purchase stamps   

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to purchase 500 forever stamps for $340.00. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Replenish petty cash   

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to replenish the petty cash account with $52.53 for a balance of $100.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Reissue dues check 

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to stop payment on check 8903 and reissue the dues to Area VIII in the amount of $275.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Request to purchase Plantskydd    

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to purchase one case of ready to use Plantskydd and one case of powder concentrate for the tree sale program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Public Works Department cost share project application   

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to approve the Public Works Department cost share application for a gully repair.  Payment is not to exceed $38,500 or 100% of the total practice cost, whichever is less.   

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Annual well testing clinic    

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the well testing clinic rate of $15 per test paid by the SWCD with the other half being paid by the participant.

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Take A Kid Fishing funding request 

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize $200 to be paid to the Keep it Clean Committee for including the Keep it Clean logo on the Take a Kid Fishing trailer wrap.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Comstock forest management plan final payment

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize final payment for Willard Comstock’s 2024-01-FMP-LW forest management plant contract in the amount of $1,223.00.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Training and Travel Requests

SWCD Governance 101
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize Trask and Sonstegard to attend the SWCD Governance 101 training in July. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports 

Lake of the Woods Control Board – see attachment to the June 13, 2024 board packet. 

General Information and Discussion

2024 Tree Program Report – see attachment to the board packet 

Planting equipment deposit  –The Board consensus was to continue with the current process.   

BWSR Soil Health Grant Request for Interest – SWCD staff will be submitting a request for interest for one-time Soil Health Grants from BWSR.  

2025 Summer Conservation Corps crew and intern applications      

SWCD staff will be submitting grant applications for Conservation Corps crews and an intern for next summer’s field season.  

Audit Planning Communication Letter  –  See attachment to the Board Packet.

Financial and technical assistance for islands and NW Angle – Discussion on the logistics and cost of providing technical and financial assistance to projects at the NW Angle and the islands.  

The next regular board meeting has been set for July 11th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Krause

Meeting adjournment time: 7:50 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

May 9th, 2024

Minutes from the May 9th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: Roger Krause

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Sonstegard to approve the agenda as amended.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the April 11th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The April 2024 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda with the addition of the Always There Staffing Invoice #11239535.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business – none

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – see the board packet for a copy of Steinhauer’s report. 

New Business

Additional E. coli sampling  
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to approve up to $1,080.00 of county allocation funding for additional E. coli sampling in the Zippel and Bostic watersheds.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

pH Module purchase request   

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to approve the purchase of a replacement pH module probe in the amount of $204.00 through the Surface Water Assessment Grant. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Chrzanowski forest management plan cost share payment request  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Chrzanowski’s 2023-03 FMP-RR cost share payment in the amount of $1,684.50. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Walton forest management plan cost share payment request

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Walton’s 2024-02 FMP-LW cost share payment in the amount of $1,314.00.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Forest Management Plan R-R cost share applications   

The board reviewed the pending cost share applications for the Rainy-Rapid Watershed. No action was taken due to lack of available funding.

Peppermint Creek cost share project application  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the Peppermint Creek – Paul Johnson cost share application for a streambank crossing with payment not to exceed $14,047.50 or 75% of the total project cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Certificate of Deposits  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the following with Multi-Bank Securities: rollover of CD (mat 5/30/24) and CD (mat 6/27/24) to 3-year terms and CD (mat 7/1/24) to a 1-year term. Additionally, purchase one new 6-month CD not to exceed $125,000. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Soil Health Tests and July Soil Health Workshop   

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to utilize Lake of the Woods Watershed Based Implementation Funding for soil health tests and an upcoming soil health workshop tentatively scheduled for July. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AIS Bait Disposal Education purchases

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize $600.00 for the purchase of 2,000 bait bags using Aquatic Invasive Species funds.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean Governor’s Fishing Opener purchases  

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the purchase of 500 decals through SandPieper Designs in the amount of $431.05 plus shipping using MPCA Keep it Clean program funds.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean volunteer exp @ Governor’s Fishing Opener  

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize a travel stipend of $200.00 for Ann Brucciani Lyon through the MPCA Keep it Clean program funds.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Keep It Clean Donation   

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to accept a donation for the Keep it Clean Program from the Sporting Journal Radio in the amount of $500.00. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Take A Kid Fishing request 

The board consensus was to move forward with a funding request from the Take a Kid Fishing committee for a promotional graphic which would include the Keep it Clean logo. The graphic would be applied on a cargo trailer purchased for the Take a Kid Fishing program.  Funding would come from the MPCA Keep it Clean contract. 

Stop payment on check

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to stop payment at Border Bank on check #8945 due to loss and reissue the check.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Local Work Group – set meeting time  

The Local Work Group will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 13th at the County Government Center boardroom. The SWCD board meeting will start at 5:30 p.m. at the same location.

Ecklund abandoned well sealing cost share payment

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Ecklund’s 2023-05 SP abandoned well sealing cost share payment in the amount of $500.00. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Paulseth-Bautch forest management plan LW cost share application

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Allison Paulseth-Bautch’s Lake of the Woods watershed forest management plan cost share application in the amount of $300 base payment plus $6.50 per acre, not to exceed 160 acres pending that it meets eligibility requirements in the ranking process.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

MACDE Admin Conference
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize Buegler’s registration fee and travel expenses to attend the MACDE Admin Conference in Brainerd on June 25-26.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – none

General Information and Discussion

Area VIII Treasurer appointment    

Area resolution process and June meeting host

State Forestry Nursery resolution

Keep It Clean – Star Tribune Digital Report Winter Campaign 2023/24  

The next regular board meeting has been set for June 13th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Sonstegard

Meeting adjournment time: 6:40 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

April 11th, 2024

Minutes from the April 11th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
Members absent: none
Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the amended agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sonstegard. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the March 14th, 2024 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Krause.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The March 2024 Treasurer’s Report and Budget vs. Actual reports were reviewed. 
The first quarter supervisor expense reports were reviewed.
No bills were presented for approval. 

Old Business – none

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist –  see the board packet for a copy of Steinhauer’s report.  The Local Workgroup session is tentatively scheduled for June 13th prior to the regular board meeting.

New Business
Conservation Corps Project #220-18502, Summer AmeriCorps Position 
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the Conservation Corps Work Order #220-18502.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Conservation Corps Project #220-10638, Shoreline Cleanup    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the Conservation Corps Work Order #220-10638.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

White Tail Ranch 2023-05 FMP-RR cost share final payment
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize final payment for White Tail Ranch of Baudette in the amount of $2,380 from the Rainy-Rapid Forest Management Plan cost share program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Gerulli 2023-04 FMP-RR cost share final payment   

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize final payment for Nick Gerulli in the amount of $1,151.50 from the Rainy-Rapid Forest Management Plan cost share program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AIS Tool Station Purchases  

A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the purchase of 10 AIS tool stations, not to exceed $1,500, with funding to come from the AIS Program. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AIS Inspector Chair Reimbursement  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize up to $50 per-person reimbursement for Lake of the Woods SWCD AIS inspectors for the purchase of a chair.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Hauger LW Forest Management Plan cost share application

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize Byron Hauger’s Lake of the Woods Watershed forest management plan cost share application with funding not to exceed $300.00 plus $6.50 per acre for a maximum of 320 acres.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

LW School funding request 

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize Education funds for the Lake of the Woods School 2-day Bears in the Bog event. Funding is not to exceed $656 dollars for 2 days transportation for K-6th graders.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests – none
Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda. 
Committee Reports – none

General Information and Discussion
Review and update Lake of the Woods Control Board Resource Agency Input
2024 Supervisor Elections (Dunnell, Dohmen, Sonstegard)   
DNR Robert Guthrie update regarding irrigation permits   
2023 State Climatology rainfall report   
MASWCD Call for Resolutions

The next regular board meeting has been set for May 9th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Dunnell
Meeting adjournment time: 6:08 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________