Minutes from the March 14th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.
The meeting was called to order by Monica Dohmen at 5:00 p.m.
Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
Members absent: Roger Krause
Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund
A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the agenda with the addition of the RMB Load Labs Invoice D056594 for $250. The motion was seconded by Sonstegard.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the February 8th, 2024 minutes. The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
The February 2024 Treasurerโs Report was reviewed.
A motion was made by Sonstegard to approve the bills as listed on the agenda. The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Special Reports
Bob Guthrie – MN DNR Region 1 Area Groundwater Appropriation Hydrologist – Guthrie presented on the process for reviewing groundwater appropriation permits. There are three current permit applications in Lake of the Woods County. Two are for agricultural irrigation and one is for a gravel pit.
Sindelir excused himself from the meeting.
Old Business
HSA contribution
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to approve payment of HSA monthly fee at Border Bank for all eligible employees in one lump sum at the beginning of the year
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Special Reports
NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – see the board packet for a copy of Steinhauerโs report.
New Business
Letter of support for Keep It Clean Legislation
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to submit a letter of support for the Keep it Clean legislation which provides funding and a state agency lead for the program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Request to purchase a QuickBooks yearly subscription
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to purchase the Quickbooks Desktop Pro Plus yearly subscription.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Envirothon contribution
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to contribute $300.00 to the Envirothon program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
MPCA Surface Water Assessment Grant amendment
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the District Manager to sign the MPCA Surface Water Assessment Grant amendment to increase funding for shipping and laboratory costs.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Aery abandoned well sealing application
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to approve Tim Aeryโs abandoned well sealing cost share application to seal two wells. Cost share is approved at $1,000.00 per well, with payment not to exceed 100% of the total cost.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Rainy-Rapid WBIF Cooperator Agreements
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the Rainy-Rapid Cooperator Agreements for SWCD Administration and the Forest Management Plan Cost Share Program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Purchase Pin Flags for Tree Program
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the purchase of pin flags for the Tree Program at a cost of $310.70 for 26 bundles.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
LOW County Fair Agreement
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to authorize the rental agreement for the Lake of the Woods County Fair booth for 2024.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
R-R Forest Management Plan cost share applications
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to allocate $1,600 from County Allocation to the Rainy-Rapid Forest Management Plan Cost Share Program for the FY24 grant cycle.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dunnell, to approve the Forest Management Plan Cost Share applications for Waconia Hunt Club (120 acres) and Anthony Kunze (120 acres). The cost share rate, per contract, is not to exceed $300 base payment plus $6.50 per planned acre, or 100% of the total cost, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
MOA with City of Baudette
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sonstegard, to approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Baudette for implementation of the City of Baudette Stormwater BMPs Clean Water Fund Grant (C24-0033).
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.
Training and Travel Requests – none
Staff Reports – the board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.
Committee Reports
Rainy-Rapid Policy Committee – see attachment to the agenda
Lake of the Woods Control Board – see attachment to the agenda
General Information and Discussion
*Demonstration of SWCD Project Mapping
*Additional Forest Management Planning Cost Share funds
*Rain barrel workshop
*Special work session discussion, April 11th – a decision was made to postpone this session.
The next regular board meeting has been set for April 11th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.
Adjourn: Dunnell Seconded: Sonstegard
Meeting adjournment time: 7:20 p.m.
Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________