May 12, 2022

Minutes from the May 12th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting.

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: Roger Krause

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer;  County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the agenda as amended.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the April 14th, 2022 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The April 2022 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Staff leave policies and personnel committee – the personnel committee will discuss staff leave policies and will bring a recommendation back to the full board.  No official action was taken. 

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer reported on staffing, COVID status, current program contracts and the upcoming local workgroup meeting. 

New Business

Replenish Petty Cash
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to replenish the petty cash account with $62.01. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Copier lease agreement – Marco
A motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Dohmen, to move forward with a 5-year lease agreement with Marco for a new printer/copier/scanner. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Purchase promotional pens
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize up to $500 for the purchase of promotional pens.   

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Allocation of funds to Drainage Authority for attorney consulting
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to allocate the Buffer Implementation Increased Capacity funding to the county drainage authority for consultation services from Rinke Noonan. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Hahn Forest Management Plan cost share application
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize forest management plan cost share funding for Jeremy Hahn at $6.50/acre plus $300, not to exceed 240 acres.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

H&S Hunting, LLC (Steinbach) Forest Management Plan cost share application  
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize forest management plan cost share funding for H&S Hunting LLC (Corey Steinbach) at $6.50/acre plus $300, not to exceed 180 acres. Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

AgBMP Loan application 

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the AgBMP loan application for Arnesen’s Rocky Point, Inc for the purchase of porta potties and a pumper truck to manage human waste during the winter ice fishing season.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Radar water level sensor repair 
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize shipping the damaged radar water level sensor to Campbell Scientific for diagnosis. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Local Work Group Meeting   
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to set the Local Work Group meeting for June 1st at 1:00 at the Ambulance Garage in Baudette.  The meeting will be posted to allow all board members to attend. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Olson Family LLC cost share payment request   
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the forest management plan cost share payment for Olson Family LLC 2022FMP-02 in the amount of $1,062.45 upon submittal of all required paperwork.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Olson Land LLC cost share payment request 
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the forest management plan cost share payment for Olson Land LLC 2022FMP-01 in the amount of $768.00 upon submittal of all required paperwork. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

Admin Training Session
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Buegler’s attendance at the Admin Training Session in Brainerd on June 29-30.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Area VIII Meeting
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize staff and supervisors to attend the Area VIII meeting in Bemidji on June 10th.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – none presented

General Information and Discussion

Call for Resolutions – discussion on developing a Keep it Clean resolution to promote current legislative efforts

International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board Community Advisory Group membership openings – Hirst notified the board of the current vacancy

The next regular board meeting has been set for June 9th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Sindelir Seconded: Dohmen

Meeting adjournment time: 7:10 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

April 14th, 2022

Minutes from the April 14th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  A Zoom link was provided for those attending remotely. 

The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman, Frank Sindelir, at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: In-person – Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir   Remote – Nancy Dunnell, Roger Krause 

Members absent: John Sonstegard

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer (remote);  County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell         Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the March 10, 2022 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

The March 2022 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.

The 2022 first Quarter Budget vs. Actual reports were reviewed.

The first Quarter Supervisor Expense Reports were reviewed.   

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business – None

Special Reports

NRCS Partner Updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – see attachment to the board packet for a copy of Steinhauer’s report.  Steinhauer also completed the Annual USDA Civil Rights Review with the SWCD board members.  

New Business

Anthony abandoned well sealing cost share application   

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the abandoned well sealing cost share application for Nick Anthony in the amount of $500 or 75% of the total cost, whichever is less.  

Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Blaeser forest management plan cost share application   

A motion was made  by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize Blaeser Forest Management Plan cost share application.  There are 80 acres eligible for cost share.  Cost share is not to exceed $300 plus $6.50 per acre for a maximum of 80 acres. Contract end date is April 14, 2023.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried. 

Booth rental at LW County Fair  

A motion was made by Krause with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the agreement for the rental of a booth at the LW County Fair. 

Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Wellness Fund    

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the closing of the Wellness Fund on the SWCD chart of accounts.  Funds will be transferred to Operating Funds – Unassigned account.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Agreements for Lake of the Woods WBIF program   

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the following agreements and agreement amendments with the Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers Board for the Lake of the Woods Watershed Based Implementation Funding program. 

  • New Agreements: Admin and Coordination, FY22-03; Forest Management Cost Share, FY22-04; Keep it Clean, FY22-05; Shoreline Protection, FY22-06; Ag Practices Cost Share FY22-10, joint agreement with Roseau SWCD
  • Amended Agreements: Shoreline Protection, FY20-03; Forest Management Cost Share, FY20-12

Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

AIS program purchases  

A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize up to $4,000 in AIS funding for the purchase of 10,000 double-sided coasters from SandPieper Design ($1,805) and a Star Tribune digital marketing campaign ($2,000). 

Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Manure and soil test kits for livestock producers 

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize increasing the cost share rate for the manure and soil testing program.  Cost share is authorized for up to 100% of the cost of Soil C and Manure M3 Partial testing through AgVise, including shipping costs.

Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Conservation Corps of MN – Agreement for crew

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the Agreement with the Conservation Corps of MN and Iowa for the shoreline cleanup. 
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize training expenses for Hirst, Trask and Vrtacnik to attend the Area VIII technical training in Bemidji.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize training and travel expenses for 3 staff and all eligible Always There Staffing Inspectors to attend the AIS Enhanced Inspector Training in Bemidji.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell       Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports reports were given on the following meetings 

Area VIII Meeting
Rainy-Rapid Watershed Advisory Committee
Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers Board

General Information and Discussion

Rain Gauge Packets – informational only

SWCD Board Evaluation and quarterly meeting topics – discussion was tabled until more board members would be in attendance

Set the Second quarter special meeting – look at dates in June for possible board tour of completed and upcoming projects.

The next regular board meeting has been set for May 12th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Dohmen Seconded: Krause

Meeting adjournment time: 7:00 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

March 10th, 2022

Minutes from the March 10th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir

Members absent: Roger Krause, Nancy Dunnell

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the agenda as presented, including the addition of payments for the grazing workshop presenters.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the February 16, 2022 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

The February 2022 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Personnel policy waivers – continue or suspend
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to suspend the COVID-19 Temporary Personnel Policy Waiver implemented at the March 20, 2020 meeting. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

The original policies in the SWCD Employee Policy Handbook related to Article VI: Working policies and Article XI: Leaves of Absence, Sick Leave will be back in effect.

Special Reports

NRCS Partner Updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – report on EQIP and CSP applications in the county, COVID-19 staffing and masking updates. 

New Business

AIS – Keep it Clean Promotion in the 2022 LOW Guide – TNT Printing – $200
A motion was made  by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize $200 for AIS and Keep it Clean promotions in the 2022 Lake of the Woods Guide.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid 1W1P – SWCD Policy Committee vacancy
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Sonstegard, to name Monica Dohmen as the replacement for Nancy Dunnell on the Rainy-Rapid 1W1P Policy Committee.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Request to purchase pin flags for tree program resale
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize $239 for the purchase of pin flags to resell through the tree program.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests – None

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports 

Keep it Clean – AIS Committee  – further discussion on statewide use of the Keep it Clean logo. 
Rainy-Rapid 1W1P Policy Committee – overview of the process and the recent meeting
Lake of the Woods Control Board – a memo from the Control Board was presented.  Drought conditions are improving statewide.  Lake of the Woods water levels are in the normal range for mid-winter.                                                                                          

General Information and Discussion

Well testing clinics – discussion on holding an arsenic testing clinic and how to provide technical assistance to landowners who have arsenic in their well.  

SWCD Election Filing Notice – reminder that board members of District 3 and District 4 will be up for election in 2022. 

SWCD Board Evaluation and quarterly meeting topics – this was postponed due to time.  Staff will mail out the evaluations for board members to complete prior to the upcoming meeting.  

Workshop offerings for residents – discussion on possible local workshops, including a mushrooming workshop.  Trask will look into Extension educators for possibilities.     

WPLMN contract language – COVID-19 proof of vaccination and testing protocols – notification on new vaccination requirements for contractors who perform work for the state of MN.  A several page attachment regarding vaccination and testing protocols was added to the recent contract amendment.

The next regular board meeting has been set for April 14th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Dohmen Seconded: Sindelir

Meeting adjournment time: 6:50 p.m.

February 16, 2022

Minutes from the February 16th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Ambulance Garage in Baudette, MN due to a weather-related meeting reschedule. 

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
Members absent: None

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the January 13, 2022 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the February 3rd, 2022 work session minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The January 2022 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Personnel policy waivers – continue or suspend

No action was taken

Update to personnel policy – Holidays

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the following language change to the Employee Policy regarding Holidays:

Article X: Holidays

Holiday pay is granted for the following holidays as observed by the federal government: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  Juneteenth will not be observed. 

Employees have the option of working Columbus Day in exchange for receiving Holiday pay for the day after Thanksgiving. 

There will be no Holiday pay for permanent part-time employees. 

In the event of a USDA early release, all SWCD staff may observe these times along with USDA NRCS staff, but must use Annual Leave for this time.  If the office will be closed, staff must notify the District Manager and post the closing on the main entrance of the building.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist, reported on the current CRP signup, possible Area-wide training in April, and EQIP and CSP contracting.  

Steinhauer excused himself from the meeting. 

Keep It Clean program expansion update – Joe Henry, Lake of the Woods Tourism joined the board via Zoom to discuss the expansion of the Keep it Clean program.  There is an interest from other groups to use the Keep it Clean logo and concept for their own cleanup programs.  The Keep it Clean committee is discussing how to navigate this new development.  

New Business

Peterson CPA bid and letter of engagement for 2021 audit of SWCD 

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the Letter of Engagement from Peterson CPA for the 2021 financial audit.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The board requested that the staff acquire 2 or more additional quotes for 2022.  

Request to purchase rain gauge certificates of appreciation        

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to utilize $150 to purchase 15 gift certificates from Howards Oil for the rain gauge volunteers. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Request to purchase checks for Border Bank checking    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to purchase 500 checks from Intuit Quickbooks for $168.98.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Accept donations for the Keep It Clean Program 

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to accept donations from Lake of the Woods Brewing Company, Alfred Kasid, and Arlyn and Donna Wendlandt for the Keep it Clean Program. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Forest Stewardship Plan cost share application – Olson Land, LLC    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the cost share application for the Olson Land, LLC for 79.42 acres at $300 + $6.50 per planned acre, not to exceed 100% of the total invoiced amount.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Forest Stewardship Plan cost share application – Olson Family, LLC 

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize the cost share application for the Olson Family, LLC for 117.3 acres at $300 + $6.50 per planned acre, not to exceed 100% of the total invoiced amount.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Always There Staffing Agreement for AIS Inspectors

A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the 2022 Always There Staffing Agreement for AIS Inspectors. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

See attachment to the February 16, 2022 agenda for a copy of the agreement.  

Invoices for Newsletter

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize the payment of the invoice from the Northland Trading Post for newsletter distribution. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Replenish Petty Cash

A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Dunnell, to replenish the petty cash account with the amount of $55.82.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Conservation Corps Fee-for-Service Work Order

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to approve the Conservation Corps Fee-for-Service Work Order for the 2022 summer internship position.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

See attachment to the February 16, 2022 agenda for a copy of the agreement.  

Training and Travel Requests

2022 Int’l Rainy-LOW Water Quality Forum March 9 &10 Online
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize expenses for interested staff and supervisors to attend the online Water Quality Forum.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Pesticide applicators license renewal – online
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize Trask to take the online pesticide applicators license renewal training.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

MASWCD Legislative Days March 9th and 10th
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Krause, to authorize interested staff and supervisors to attend the MASWCD Legislative Days.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – none presented

General Information and Discussion

SWCD Wellness fund on Balance Sheet – discussion on what to do with this existing account.  

Virtual meetings and board attendance policy – staff reviewed Open Meeting Law requirements regarding virtual meeting attendance.

Aquatic Invasive Species 2021 summary of accomplishments  – see attachment to the February 16th, 2022 board packet for a copy of the report.  

The next regular board meeting has been set for March 10th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Krause Seconded: Dohmen

Meeting adjournment time: 7:30 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

January 13, 2022

Minutes from the January 13, 2022 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Nancy Dunnell. Frank Sindelir joined remotely (health). 

Members absent: none

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Joining remotely: Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask and NRCS Team Lead, Jody Peek

A motion was made by Krause to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Annual Business Items:

Officer Elections

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to approve the 2022 Officer Positions as follows: District Chair, John Sonstegard; Vice Chair, Frank Sindelir; Treasurer, Nancy Dunnell; Secretary, Monica Dohmen; Public Relations, Roger Krause.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize the Annual Business Items as follows:

Monthly Meeting date, time and location – Second Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the location will be the County Boardroom in the Government Center with a remote access option available. 

Designate Official Depositories – Border Bank of Baudette, Multi-Bank Securities, Inc.

Check Signing Authority – Josh Stromlund, District Manager; Nancy Dunnell, Treasurer; Mike Hirst, Resource Technician; Corryn Trask, Resource Technician; Becky Buegler, Office Assistant

Supervisor Compensation Rate – $125 per meeting. This rate is per day, no matter how many meetings attended. Supervisors may receive a per‐diem for travel days necessary for attending out of town meetings.

Mileage Rate – set on a quarterly basis to reflect the most current IRS rate. Any changes to the IRS mileage reimbursement rate will apply to all mileage occurring on or after the first day of the new quarter, and will remain as such until the following quarter.

Meal Allowances – Maximum meal allowance for supervisors and employees is $75.00 per day for approved meetings.

Spending Limits ‐ District staff have permission to: *Pay all district related bills prior to the next board meeting including: payroll, payroll liabilities, fuel account at Howard’s Cenex, Marco copier, other invoices not exceeding $100.  *Pay invoices for: emergency vehicle repairs exceeding $100 or other emergency items exceeding $100 as authorized by the SWCD manager or Board Chair. 
*Purchase miscellaneous supplies up to $100.  

Designated Official Newspaper – Northern Light Region

Annual membership dues for 2022

Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts $ 3,332.49   

MASWCD North Central Area (VIII) $ 275.00

Minnesota Association of Conservation District Employees $ 125.00  $25/employee

C/C/OGA Membership Dues $ 81.00

Minnesota Association of County Feedlot Officers $ 125

National Association of Conservation Districts $ 775.00

Committee Assignments 

Staff are preapproved for reimbursement for out of town travel expenses incurred for serving on these committees. In the event that the appointed staff member is unable to attend, an alternate staff person may take their place.

CommitteeBoardStaffMtgs/yr (approx.)
Area VIII MeetingsAll supervisorsAll staff3
North Central MN JPBFrank SindelirJosh Stromlund, Alternate: Corryn Trask2
County/SWCD Joint Powers Agreement Liaison CommitteeMonica Dohmen Roger KrauseStromlund
Ditch CommitteeJohn Sonstegard
Personnel CommitteeJohn Sonstegard,
Nancy Dunnell
IT CommitteeJohn Sonstegard,
Frank Sindelir
Area VIII Envirothon Committeen/aCorryn Trask5
Financial CommitteeNancy DunnellStromlund, Buegler
Giziibii RC&D CouncilJohn Sonstegard; alternate: Nancy DunnellAlternate: Corryn Trask4
International Multi-Agency Technical Advisory Committeen/aMike Hirst3
Lake of the Woods Control BoardNancy DunnellMike Hirst3
International Rainy Lake of the Woods Watershed Boardn/aMike Hirst10
Rainy/Rapid Board Citizen’s Advisory CommitteeNancy DunnellMike Hirst2
Rainy-Rapid One Watershed One Plan*Nancy Dunnell, John Sonstegard12
School Forest Committeen/aCorryn Trask12
Wetlands TAC Committeen/aMike Hirst12
Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers BoardNancy Dunnell 
Alternates: John Sonstegard, Frank Sindelir
Local Work GroupFrank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
AIS/Keep it Clean CommitteeMonica DohmenMike Hirst6
AIS/Keep it Clean Committee     (at large member) – $40 per diemMike Larson

Review Fixed Assets List – the board authorizes the removal of the following items: 

*Canon ImageClass Printer – recycled, *Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2018 software – replaced

*Frogg Togg size 9 chest waders – dispose, *Boots – Rocky Chest Waders-size 12 – dispose

*Rod – metal, 8 foot – dispose,  *Mr.Long Arm (6624) 8′-24′ -dispose

*Keep it Clean – 2 RV Dump Station Banners vinyl 72″x36″ on frame – dispose

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the December 9th, 2021 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

The December 2020 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

The 4th Quarter Budget vs Actual report was reviewed.. 

A motion was made by Krause to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Old Business

Personnel Policy – continue or suspend.  No action was taken.

Special Reports

NRCS Team Lead – Jody Peek – Peek reported on EQIP and CSP applications

New Business

Purchase of replacement printer
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the purchase of a printer under the District’s emergency purchase policy. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Conservation Corpsmember for Summer 2022
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the application for a Conservation Corpsmember position for the summer of 2022. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

DNR Delegation Agreement
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Krause, to authorize the DNR Delegation Agreement For Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Inspection of Water-related Equipment.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Keep it Clean Dump Station Incentive
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the purchase of $100 gift cards from Howards Oil and Log Cabin Bait.  Funding will come from the Keep it Clean account.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Keep it Clean Memorial Donation for Dave Larson
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the receipt of donations to the Keep it Clean Program in honor of Larson.  Donations were received from: Karen and Roger Peterson, Bob and Sharon Johnson, Dr. Cecil and Ann Leitch. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Giziibii RC&D Membership Correspondence
No action was taken. 

Pay Equity Report
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the submission of the Pay Equity Report.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Livestock Producer Workshop
A motion was made by Dunnell,  with a second by Dohmen, to authorize $1,000 from the Feedlot Program to be used towards a Livestock Producer Workshop.  Funding will cover presenter fees, room rental, food, and other general workshop expenses. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Load Monitoring Contract
A motion was made by Krause,  with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the amendment to extend the Water Pollutant Load Monitoring Contract with the MN Pollution Control Agency for two more years, contingent on the District Manager’s approval of the final work plan and budget.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None           Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests –  None

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – Hirst reported on the Keep it Clean Committee.  There is current discussion with other groups on the use of the Keep it Clean logo and model.  The committee is also partnering with Tom’s Tackle to produce a lure which would have the Keep it Clean logo on it.  Part of the proceeds from the sale would go towards Keep it Clean efforts. 

General Information and Discussion

Ellenson shoreline engineering assistance
MASWCD 2021 accomplishments
Set date and time for first quarter special meeting

The next regular board meeting has been set for February 10th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Dohmen Seconded: Dunnell

Meeting adjournment time: 7:08 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

December 9th, 2021

Minutes from the December 9th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:04 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: none

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer;  Joining remotely: County Commissioner, Joe Grund

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the November 4th, 2021 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The October and November Treasurer’s Reports were reviewed.  

The 4th Quarter supervisor expense reports were reviewed. 

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Personnel Policy Waivers – no action was taken

Fadness forest management plan cost share application termination
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to terminate Duane Fadness’s forest management plan cost share application due to cover-type ineligibility.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Audette cost share violation
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to send notification to Robert Audette regarding a cost share violation on his property.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Special Reports

NRCS Partner Updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – see attachment to the December 9th board meeting agenda for a copy of Steinhauer’s report. 

New Business

2022 Wage and Benefits  

A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to adopt the 2021 Lake of the Woods County wage scale as the official wage scale of the SWCD. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

See attachment to the December 9th, 2021 agenda for a copy of the wage scale.  

A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to set wages effective January 1, 2022 at the following placements on the wage scale: Office Assistant: G8/B2; Water Resource Technician: G10/C3; Resource Conservationists: G14, D4. 

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to set the SWCD monthly portion for family health insurance plans at $1,215.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried. 

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to set the SWCD monthly portion for life insurance coverage at $3.86 per eligible employee. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Adopt 2022 Budget

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to adopt the 2022 budget.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

See attachment to the December 9th, 2021 agenda for a copy of the 2022 budget. 

Personnel policy updates   – no action was taken

Hapka abandoned well sealing cost share final payment   

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize final payment for the Hapka 2021-05-SP abandoned well sealing contract in the amount of $300. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Cost share rates for abandoned well sealing  

A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to increase the cost share rate for the SWCD Abandoned Well Sealing Program from $300 per well to $500 per well, with cost share not to exceed 75% of the total eligible cost to seal the well.  Rate changes will be effective January 1, 2022.  

The following active contracts are eligible for the rate increase if the work was not completed prior to January 1, 2022: 2019-18-SP, 2020-03-SP, 2021-02-SP, 2021-03-SP.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Increase special projects fund balance

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to increase the Special Projects fund balance to $20,000 on January 1, 2022 with funding to come from District funds.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Authorize winter 2021 newsletter expenses   

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize costs for the SWCD winter newsletter.  Total estimated cost is $1,025, based off of the spring 2021 printing and distribution costs. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Replenish Petty Cash Account    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to replenish the Petty Cash Account with $81.30 to bring the total balance to $100. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

CD Investments  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize CD investments up to $500,000, in increments of $125,000 or less, with final approval for investments to come from the District Manager. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

ACH bank draws  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to approve ACH transactions from Border Bank checking to Medica and MCIT. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid 1W1P planning grant work plan and BWSR grant agreement        

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to authorize the Rainy-Rapid 1W1P work plan and grant agreement with the Board of Soil and Water Resources, and to designate Stromlund as the authorized signer for the grant agreement.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid 1W1P contract with Houston Engineering    

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to enter into a contract for services with Houston Engineering for the Rainy-Rapid 1W1P planning grant contingent upon the SWCD receiving approval for the BWSR grant agreement.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid 1W1P contract with MN Extension for facilitation

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to enter into a contract for services with UMN Extension contingent upon the SWCD receiving approval for the BWSR grant agreement.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell        Opposed: None Motion carried.

Rainy-Rapid 1W1P – SWCD Policy Committee Member vacancy 

Dunnell will remain on the committee.  No action was taken.  

Training and Travel Requests – none

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – none

General Information and Discussion

Fee for service – shoreline engineering vs. other services –
Keep it Clean Program – regional partnerships are being considered.  The Committee is pursuing with caution because they want to make sure the intent of the local program is preserved.  

The next regular board meeting has been set for January 13th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Krause Seconded: Sindelir

Meeting adjournment time: 7:48 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

November 4th, 2021

Minutes from the November 4th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell. Remote via Zoom – Roger Krause

Members absent: None

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the October 8th, 2021 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell.

The October Treasurer’s Report was unavailable for review.  

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Krause.

Old Business

Personnel policy waivers – continue or suspend – consensus of the board was to continue with the waivers.  

Special Reports

NRCS Partner updates – Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer’s report included CSP payments for 69 contracts, the upcoming EQIP deadline of November 19th, and CSP renewals.  

New Business

Personnel policy, 2022 wages and benefits and 2022 budget   

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to increase the supervisor per diem rate to $125 per day, effective the first day of the 4th quarter (October 1, 2021).
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Grant Extension Amendment for FY19 Local Capacity  
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize the FY19 Local Capacity grant extension amendment to extend the end date of the grant until December 31, 2022. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Authorize return of unspent funds – Bostic CWF Grant   
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize the return of unspent Bostic Watershed Clean Water funds to the Board of Water and Soil Resources due to the project coming in under budget.  Total amount authorized will be based on the grant Financial Report, to be signed-off by the District Manager. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Authorize Duane Fadness forest stewardship plan cost share application    

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Fadness’s forest stewardship plan cost share application in the amount of $300 + $6.50 per acre, with total acres not to exceed 40.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Extend abandoned well sealing cost share applications  

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the extension of all active abandoned well sealing contracts until December 31, 2022.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Employee Assistance Program – MCIT vs Medica 

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to rescind the portion of the October 14, 2021 motion which stated the SWCD would purchase the Employee Assistance Program through Medica. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

*A similar employee assistance program is already available through MN Counties Insurance Trust.

AIS Program Purchases  
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Sindelir, to purchase 2,500 towels and 6 vests with AIS program funding.  Total cost is approximately $3,861.70 with Roseau SWCD covering one-half of the cost.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Landscape Stewardship Plan for Rainy-Rapid Watershed
A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize a budget of up to $300 for the purchases of meeting supplies including food and refreshments as part of three landscape stewardship planning workshops to be held over the course of the next six months. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Cost share violation
No action was taken.

Training and Travel Requests

MASWCD Annual Convention
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Krause, to authorize travel expenses for staff and supervisors who wish to attend the MASWCD convention in Bloomington on December 12-14. Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports
AIS and Keep it Clean

General Information and Discussion

Communication: letter from Peterson Company LTD regarding audit – see board packet.  

Abandoned well sealing cost share rates – general information on possibly raising current cost share rates for well sealing was presented. Action will be taken at the December board meeting.      

Koochiching SWCD Forester and stewardship plan writing for LW County – Trask notified the board that the Koochiching SWCD Forester was currently writing plans in Lake of the Woods County.     

Cost share program – tabled discussion

The next regular board meeting has been set for December 9th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Dunnell Seconded: Krause

Meeting adjournment time: 8:00 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

October 14, 2021

Minutes from the October 14, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by Frank Sindelir at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: Monica Dohmen, Roger Krause (joined remotely), Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell
Members absent: John Sonstegard

Others present: Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund (joined remotely)

A motion was made by Dohmen to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell, seconded by Dohmen, to approve the September 9th, 2021 minutes.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The September 2021 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. 

The 3rd Quarter budget vs. actual reports were reviewed.

The 3rd Quarter supervisor expense reports were reviewed.

A motion was made by Dohmen, seconded by Dunnell, to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Health Insurance: Employee Assistance Program and Medicare Part D Notification
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to enter into the Employee Assistance Program offered through Medica at a cost to the SWCD of $1.80 per covered employee per month, and to also purchase Medica’s plan upgrade to ensure compliance with Medicare Part D notice requirements at a cost to the SWCD of $0.05 per employee per month. 
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Special Reports

NRCS partner updates: Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer presented information to the board on current NRCS programs. 

New Business

MASWCD Resolution Voting

The 2021 MASWCD Resolutions were reviewed and voted upon. 

Change date for November SWCD board meeting due to Veteran’s Day 

Due to the normal regular board meeting date falling upon a federal holiday, the board set November 4th at 5:00 p.m. in the Lake of the Woods County Boardroom as the new date and time for the November meeting.

FY2022 BWSR Buffer Program Implementation Supplemental Program Grant Agreement    

A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Dohmen, to enter into the FY2022 BWSR Buffer Program Implementation Supplemental Program Grant Agreement.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

FY2022 BWSR Local Capacity and Buffer Law Implementation Program Grant Agreement  
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Krause, to enter into the FY2022 BWSR Local Capacity and Buffer Law Implementation Program Grant Agreement.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Fourth quarter work session – personnel and planning discussion
No action was taken.  The board will work to address all topics at the November board meeting. 

2020 Audit 
A motion was made by Dohmen, seconded by Krause, to approve the draft 2020 audit from Peterson Company Ltd. and submit the Management Representation Letter.
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Set policy committee members for the Rainy-Rapid One Watershed, One Plan
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Krause, to approve John Sonstegard and Nancy Dunnell as members for the Rainy-Rapid One Watershed One Plan policy committee.

Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Authorize purchase of SWCD promotional pens
The board discussed spending limits.  No action was taken.  The board directed the staff to price out options through Nelson Ink, a local retailer.

Final payment on Fadness Forest Management Plan Cost Share contract

A motion was made by Krause, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize final payment in the amount of $2,380 for Calvin Fadness’s forest management plan cost share contract.  Funding will come from the LOTW One Watershed One Plan grant. 
Affirmative: Dohmen, Krause, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests – none

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports 

LW Watershed Joint Powers Board – Dunnell presented on the tour sites for the Joint Powers Board
Area VIII Meeting – Dohmen discussed sites visited on the Area 8 fall tour

General Information and Discussion

2021 cost share applications – staff are currently reviewing applications and will present recommendations to the board.
2021 watercraft inspection data summary – see attachment to the October board packet

The next regular board meeting has been set for November 4th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Krause Seconded: Dohmen

Meeting adjournment time: 6:45 p.m.

Secretary:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

September 2021

Minutes from the September 9, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:00 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Monica Dohmen, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell

Members absent: Roger Krause

Others present: Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund; Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; County Commissioner, Joe Grund; NorthRisk Partners, Mike Reishus

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the August 12th, 2021minutes.  The motion was seconded by Dohmen.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

The August 2021 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Old Business

Personnel policy waivers – continue or suspend – no action was taken

Special Reports

NorthRisk Partners, Mike Reishus – Reishus presented 2022 health insurance plan information to the board.  The provider is switching from Blue Cross to Medica for 2022.  Following his presentation, Reishus excused himself from the meeting.  

NRCS partner updates: Michael Steinhauer, Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer presented information to the board on current NRCS programs.  He also covered current COVID updates.  

New Business

Health insurance renewal

Set plan option for 2022 – a motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to offer the Medica version of the 2021 SWCD Blue Cross Blue Shield health plan option for 2022. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Establish open enrollment – a motion was made by Sonstegard, with a second by Sindelir, to establish the open enrollment period for SWCD employees to select their health care option as September 10th – November 30th. This time period will be set annually.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Forest Management Cost Share Program Application – Calvin Fadness
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to approve the Lake of the Woods Watershed Forest Stewardship Plan Cost Share Agreement with Calvin Fadness. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

BWSR 2022-2023 SWCD Programs and Operations Grant Agreement
A motion was made by Dohmen, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize the FY22 and FY23 Programs and Operations Grant Agreement and authorize the chairman to sign. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Memorandum of Agreement with LOW County for the Rainy-Rapid One Watershed, One Plan 
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to approve the memorandum of agreement with Lake of the Woods County to begin development of the Rainy-Rapid One Watershed One Plan.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Investment CDs with Multi-Bank Securities – no action was taken

Request to reserve trees for the 2022 Tree Sale Program
A motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize staff to reserve stock for the 2022 tree sales program. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Request to reimburse for SWCD newsletter
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dohmen, to authorize staff to pay invoices from Northland Trading Post and Arrow Printing upon receipt.  Total payments are not to exceed $1,200. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests
Stormwater Management Online Recertification – a motion was made by Dunnell, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize Vrtacnik’s expenses for online recertification for Construction Installer and Site Management.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Dohmen, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports – none 

General Information and Discussion

Board packet distribution in advance of meetings 

Watch rainfall simulator

Well testing clinic summary

The next regular board meeting has been set for October 14th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Dohmen Seconded: Sindelir

Meeting adjournment time: 7:24 p.m.

August 2021

Minutes from the August 12th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

The meeting of the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District was held in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

The meeting was called to order by John Sonstegard at 5:10 p.m.

Members present: John Sonstegard, Frank Sindelir, Nancy Dunnell.  Monica Dohmen joined via Zoom but did not participate due to Open Meeting Law limitations.  

Members absent: Roger Krause

Others present: Resource Conservationist, Mike Hirst; Resource Conservationist, Corryn Trask; NRCS Resource Conservationist, Michael Steinhauer; Conservation Corps intern, Abigail Fluke; County Commissioner, Joe Grund (attending remotely)

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dunnell to approve the July 8th, 2021 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Sindelir.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Jordan Mayer and Barb Lusardi, MN Geological Survey staff, gave a Zoom presentation at 5:15.  They covered the county geologic atlas project and next steps.  SWCD Water Resources staff, Vrtacnik, has recently completed locating wells within the county as part of Phase 1 of the project.  

The July 2021 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  

A motion was made by Sindelir to approve the bills as listed on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Dunnell. 

Old Business

Personnel policy waivers – no action was taken

Forest management plan cost share program
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to set payment limits for the LW One Watershed One Plan cost share program.  Cost share is a $300 base payment plus $6.50 per acre with a cap of 320 acres.  Cost share cannot exceed 100% of total invoiced cost. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

 Special Reports 

Michael Steinhauer, NRCS Resource Conservationist – Steinhauer presented information on EQIP signups and current program status.  He notified the board that their office is currently taking reports of damages due to the extreme drought.  He also presented information on the most recent COVID protocols in federal buildings.  

New Business

Replenish Petty Cash Account
A motion was made by Dunnell with a second by Sindelir, to replenish the petty cash account with the amount of $77.09. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Hapka abandoned well sealing cost share request
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize Hapka Holding LLC’s abandoned well sealing cost share request in the amount of 75% or $300, whichever is less.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Livestock Workshop soil/manure testing reimbursement
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to expand the soil and manure testing reimbursement from the recent livestock workshop to cover three out-of-county participants who attended from outside the 5-county partner area.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Engage services of WSN Engineering for shoreline riprap
The consensus of the board is to proceed with WSN Engineering services for engineering on lakeshore projects. 

Permission to pay AC Water Analysis invoice in advance of September board meeting
A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize payment of the AC Water Analysis well testing clinic invoice upon receipt. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Adrian’s Resort/Ney abandoned well sealing cost share payment request

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize final payment to Adrian’s Resort for two abandoned well sealings.  Total approved payment is $300 per well, for a total of $600.
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Request to purchase supplies for buckthorn removal

A motion was made by Sindelir, with a second by Dunnell, to authorize up to $250 for the purchase of buckthorn removal equipment and supplies. 
Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Training and Travel Requests -none

Staff Reportsthe board reviewed staff reports as presented with the agenda.  

Committee Reports -none

General Information and Discussion

Outstanding Conservationist Nomination – the Outstanding Conservationist Program is underway for 2021.  Staff are looking for local submissions. 

Pens and promotional items for SWCD – staff will provide options to the board at an upcoming board meeting. 

Livestock producer workshop summary of attendee evaluations – see attachment to the August board packet. The workshop was very well received overall.  

Soil and manure test kits – cost share

A motion was made by Dunnel, with a second by Sindelir, to authorize a 75% cost share program for livestock producers in Lake of the Woods County for soil and manure testing through AgVise. 

  • Cost share will cover 75% of the cost of a test for Soil-C (phosphorus, pH, soluble sales and organic matter) and Manure-M3 Partial (moisture, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium).  
  • Shipping is not covered by cost share. 
  • Participants must have either land or cattle in Lake of the Woods County.  
  • Participants would be eligible for one suite of tests (both soil and manure) per year.     

Funding will cover a total of 30 tests.  Funding for the cost share program will come from the MPCA Feedlot Program funds.  

Affirmative: Sonstegard, Sindelir, Dunnell Opposed: None Motion carried.

Preview of SWCD website – presentation of draft SWCD website design

Area VIII Meeting and Tour, September 23rd and 24th in Walker – all supervisors and staff wishing to attend may register.  

Campaign finance – review contact information 

The next regular board meeting has been set for September 9th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the County Government Center.  

Adjourn: Dunnell Seconded: Sindelir

Meeting adjournment time: 7:15 pm